40 Ace Ruele

Today’s guest is Ace Ruele, an actor that does creature work for VFX and motion capture in productions like Eternals, Matrix 4, Wheel of Time and video games like Dead Island 2, Palace of the Apes VR, the Inpatient, and more. He also created a company called Creature Bionics which creates physical bionics to actors who do creatures, to help them become the creatures.

We’re going to talk to Ace about his path, about working on the movies, and, in the last third of the show, the hard path he had to take to become successful and what it takes and how he did it. He also talks about how he created a niche that didn’t exist within the VFX world.

I promise you that you will enjoy this episode. It’s absolutely fantastic.

You can find Ace here:

Website: www.aceruele.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/aceruele/

Twitter: twitter.com/AceRuele

Instagram: www.instagram.com/aceruele/

Listen wherever you get your podcasts, or right here:


41 Michelle C. Smith - Professional Badass


39 Jim Lujan